Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Let's get this party started

  Well, I suppose you wouldn't call it a party, but a celebration just the same (with liquids, mushies and smaller quantities as the appetizers and meal) :)  (what, no emoticons here....if anyone knows how I can insert them, please let me know).
  About a month ago, I made the decision to go with an adjustable band.  The decision was not easy or quick.  I used to be a naysayer.  Sorry, but I was.  I have a couple of friends with the band and they have had so much trouble for various reasons.  I wanted no part of it.
  Then one day, I was talking to a co-worker who was banded 2 years ago.  She said, Joyce, I was over 300 lbs.  I knew what I needed to do, I just needed this TOOL to help me.  BAMM!!!  No, that is not Emeril in the kitchen.  That was the light bulb smacking me in the head.  TOOL!!!  I never looked at it like that.  If used properly, this tool can help me achieve my goals.
  Once that hit me, I researched and researched and researched some more.  Then I called Southern Surgical in Greenville and got the ball rolling.

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