Thursday, January 5, 2012

Weighnesday (a day late)

Good morning!!!  Well, I was gonna blog this yesterday but we had several issues that took up my time.  Two of our vehicles over heated in the freezing temps.  I was soooo scared that I may have cracked my radiator, but it seems to be ok.  Who knows.  My husbands truck is another story.  His kept over heating and now won't crack.  We are looking at getting a couple of newer vehicles.  ugh!!!

Now, on to band news. I weighed yesterday and I was down 3.6 lbs.  YES!!!  :)

Ok, to re-cap.
Starting weight was 247
Weight when banded 238.4
Current weight 227.2
Total lost 19.8
Lost since banding 11.2

Is it too soon to say I love Desiree???
I go today to see the nutritionist again and tomorrow for my second post op doc appt.  The PA said we will discuss a fill.  I guess I won't get one yet....ugh.  I am ready.  I have now know that the band I have has no fluid in it (from my understanding, the Allergan brand has some, the Realize one does not).  So I am on my own right now.  I am sticking with the low carb diet per the nutritionist and I am measuring everything to keep myself in line.  Normally I would cave and eat more or eat the wrong things, but I am afraid of screwing up what they have done, therefore I am measuring everything.  I am looking forward to restriction.  :)

I will let y'all know what they say friday.  Have a great day.


  1. Sounds like you have a good plan for success...measuring everything is a great way to keep yourself in check until you have restriction.

  2. Great weigh-in!:)

    I am your newest follower. I will check back often to see what you're up to.
